Friday, January 30, 2015

Late thought

When I saw this quote about art I never looked at art for me to make other see what art was about I've always saw art how I wanted to see it. 

"The Sandman" Project

For this assignment I put together a multimedia picture. The first thing that came to mind was that it needed to be a sandman type of feel. I did not want to copy straight for the source so I made the picture look like my own. I stated by using a cloud background to keep it natural but still have a little fun for the piece. Also, I didn't want to use boring colors so I picked really bright colors to make the pictures pop. Once I put it all together it came out pretty cool.

Monday, January 26, 2015


I used Ursula because when I think of nefarious which means evil, Ursula was the first thing that popped up in my mind.  So what I did was searched her in the search engine & Sketched her out. Most of my materials included pastels, a black sharpie & color pencils. It actually turned out better than what I had pictured.